Avraham Fried: Yerushalayim SheBalev

With Hebrew and English lyrics on the backdrop of pictures of Jerusalem, this video features Avraham Fried‘s song «Yerushalayim Shebalev,» which describes Jerusalem as the spiritual center of the universe and the focus of all songs, prayers, poetry and journeys.  

Jerusalem That’s in the Heart

Each person looks for places
and new sceneries in the world
He crosses continents and seas
in the soul’s journey there
On the wings of the regions of the imagination
he sails on a ship to the sea
but at the end it’s the heart
the heart that leads
leads us there…

All the ways, the paths, the roads, the signs
lead to Jerusalem
All the prayers, the tears, wishes, thoughts
lead to Jerusalem
All the songs, poems, psalms, stories
they’re all for Jerusalem
Jerusalem that’s in the heart

It’s the joy of all the earth, the doors of the nations
it’s the light of the world
On the seven mountains it* stands
and is in everyone’s dreams
From the ends of the earth they raise their eyes
The journey isn’t completed
because at the end it’s the heart
only the heart that leads,
leads us all there…

All the ways, the paths, the roads, the signs
lead to Jerusalem
All the prayers, the tears, wishes, thoughts
lead to Jerusalem
All the songs, poems, psalms, stories
they’re all for Jerusalem
Jerusalem that’s in the heart