The Multisensory Science Park for Special-Needs Children at the Jordan River Village

This video [02:21] shows the newly-built multisensory science park at Jordan River Village (Kfar Nahal Yarden), a unique project funded by JNF-KKL Australia, and the actors Chaim Topol  (Tevye in in the film Fiddler on the Roof), and Paul Newman. Jordan River Village is a retreat center for children in Israel of all races and backgrounds, who suffer from severe disabilities and chronic or life-threatening illnesses. Here, they can enjoy a fun-filled, memorable, empowering, medically sound, and safe camp experience.

Located in the Lower Galilee, the village spans 60 acres and boasts beautiful views of the surrounding countryside. Facilities include a sports park, petting zoo, swimming pool, horse-back riding and a world class medical center.

The JRV  allows children to share similar experiences, helping them build strength through solidarity and giving them a boost when they need it most. KKL-JNF Australia is committed to helping the village with the addition of a special element — an accessible multisensory science park, which will provide the children with experiential, multisensory, learning experiences in the sciences. To read more about the village, click here