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Mikulov Park in Katzrin

Mikulov Park in Katzrin

From the website of KKL-JNF, this article describes Mikulov Park in Katzrin, the capital city of the Golan Heights. A recreational green space developed with the support of friends of

Katzrin: The Ancient Talmudic Village & Synagogue

Katzrin: The Ancient Talmudic Village & Synagogue

Filmed by a tour guide, this video (02:48) shows tourists walking through the ancient Jewish village and synagogue at the archaeological site of Katzrin in the Golan Heights. With onscreen

Rediscovering the Ancient Golan at The Golan Archaeological Museum

Rediscovering the Ancient Golan at The Golan Archaeological Museum

From the Biblical Archaeology Review Journal, this article highlights some of the important archaeological finds on display at the Golan Archaeological Museum in Katzrin. With artifacts dating back to the

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