
Shmita se refiere al mandamiento bíblico de dejar que la tierra descanse durante un año cada ciclo de siete años. Este año sabático no solo tiene implicaciones prácticas y agrícolas, sino que también trae un profundo mensaje espiritual y social. El Shmita presenta un conjunto único de desafíos, y el Fondo Nacional Judío ha respondido apoyando a los agricultores de Israel y está en línea con los principios de sostenibilidad ecológica.


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Shmita: The Whats & Whys

Shmita: The Whats & Whys

From the website of KKL-JNF, this thorough article introduces the biblical commandment to let the Land of Israel rest for one year out of a seven-year cycle, known as the

Shmita in Action in KKL-JNF Nurseries and Forests

Shmita in Action in KKL-JNF Nurseries and Forests

Produced by KKL-JNF, this video (08:03) introduces Shmita, the biblical commandment to let the land rest every seventh year, as well as the ways in which the sabbatical year is

Understanding Shmita: Israel’s Agricultural Shabbat

Understanding Shmita: Israel’s Agricultural Shabbat

Written in September 2014, just before the start of the most recent Shmita year, this informative article explains «seven things you should know about Israel’s sabbatical year,» including how the

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