Pueblo Judío

«Pueblo judío» hace referencia al sentimiento de pertenencia a la nación judía que sienten muchas personas judías, independientemente de sus creencias, estilo de vida o ubicación. La identidad judía se puede definir a través del prisma de la religión, de la cultura, de la nacionalidad, de la familia, etc. Si bien la identidad judía de una persona puede estar completamente asociada con solo un aspecto de la vida judía, para otra puede ser una combinación de varios. Pero a pesar de sus diferencias, todos estos individuos forman parte de la misma historia.

«Pueblo judío» es la solidaridad que experimentan los judíos de todo el mundo y la fuerte relación entre los de Israel y los que viven en la diáspora. La preocupación conjunta que muchos judíos sienten por todo pueblo judío es lo que les inspira a trabajar para conseguir un futuro mejor para su nación. Esta responsabilidad mutua e incondicional crea unidad entre las diversas comunidades judías del mundo.

La División de Educación en el Extranjero del Departamento de Educación del Fondo Nacional Judío trabaja de forma incansable para fortalecer el sentimiento de pueblo judío entre los judíos de la diáspora. Para ello, la organización prepara programas y crea asociaciones que fomentan la colaboración entre diferentes comunidades en Israel y en todo el mundo. Gran parte de su trabajo está dedicado a educar a la generación más joven de los judíos de la diáspora para que se comprometan con su identidad judía, el pueblo judío y el Estado de Israel, basándose en el valor de que «Todo Israel es responsable el uno del otro».


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Is Israel the Nation-State or Religious State of the Jewish People?

Is Israel the Nation-State or Religious State of the Jewish People?

Produced by the Israel Democracy Institute, this video (02:05) features Yair Sheleg exploring how the ultra-Orthodox monopoly over religious life in Israel has led to a growing rift between Israeli and Diaspora Jewry. He describes the

The Conflicting Visions of Four Main Sectors of Israeli Society

The Conflicting Visions of Four Main Sectors of Israeli Society

In this fascinating article by Prof. Yedidia Stern, Vice President of the Israel Democracy Institute, the author outlines the character and vision of four major ideological groups in Israeli society: the secular

Liberal Judaism in Israel

Liberal Judaism in Israel

This introductory article presents the attitudes toward the liberal Reform and Conservative/Masorti streams of Judaism in both official status and public opinion in Israel. After outlining the basic institutions of

Gateways to Jewish Peoplehood

Gateways to Jewish Peoplehood

Published by the Diaspora Museum, this booklet, entitled Gateways to Jewish Peoplehood, explores the national nonphysical assets of the Jewish people, including Jewish creation and creativity throughout the ages, the world of

An American Jewish Educator’s Journey into the World of Israeli Secular Torah Study

An American Jewish Educator’s Journey into the World of Israeli Secular Torah Study

In this personal account, American Jewish educator, Rabbi David Kasher, describes the growing world of secular Israeli organizations devoted to Torah study. He compares American Jewish religious pluralism and Israeli

Rabbi Amichai Lau-Lavie: America, Israel, and the Perfect Jewish Democracy

Rabbi Amichai Lau-Lavie: America, Israel, and the Perfect Jewish Democracy

Produced by Hiddush: Freedom of Religion for Israel, this short video (03:22) presents an interview with  Israeli-American educator, writer and performance artist, Rabbi Amichai Lau-Lavie, in which he speaks about about the

Excerpts from «American Post-Judaism: Identity and Renewal in a Postethnic Society»

Excerpts from «American Post-Judaism: Identity and Renewal in a Postethnic Society»

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2018 Israel Religion & State Index

2018 Israel Religion & State Index

Put together by Hiddush: Freedom of Religion for Israel, this 29-page document presents the findings of the 2018 Israel Religion & State Index, exploring complex issues of Israel’s identity as a Jewish

Israel’s Religiously Divided Society

Israel’s Religiously Divided Society

Produced by Pew Research Center, a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about global trends, this thorough video (19:01) provides insight into Israel’s polarized society, exploring the different ways in which

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HaDag Nachash: The Sticker Song (with educational guide)

HaDag Nachash: The Sticker Song (with educational guide)

Released in 2004, amidst the Second Intifada, this hip-hop song is a collection of Israeli bumper stickers representing the full spectrum of religious and political ideologies that make up Israel’s diverse and often

Exploring Jewish Peoplehood Through Hannukah Songs

Exploring Jewish Peoplehood Through Hannukah Songs

This educational resource compares the Hebrew, English and Yiddish versions of popular Hannukah songs «Chanukah Oh Chanukah» and «Mi Yimallel / Who Can Retell?», exploring what the differences in translation

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¿Qué Más?

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Historical Memory & Jewish Peoplehood

Historical Memory & Jewish Peoplehood

This educational resource by Yaara Salamon-Michaeli from the Kol Ami Jewish Peoplehood Leadership Academy provides a wide range of resources exploring the intersection of historical memory and Jewish peoplehood, including quotes

Kol Ami B’Seder: The State of Israel

Kol Ami B’Seder: The State of Israel

This educational resource by Yaara Salamon-Michaeli from the Kol Ami Jewish Peoplehood Leadership Academy provides biblical, historical and philosophical sources exploring the significance of the State of Israel in Jewish tradition and the

Ethiopian Jews Celebrate Sigd in Jerusalem

Ethiopian Jews Celebrate Sigd in Jerusalem

Produced by the Christian Broadcasting Network, this short news segment (02:26) introduces the ancient Ethiopian Jewish holiday of Sigd, which symbolizes the acceptance of the Torah and yearning for Jerusalem. Filmed

Unity: A Resource for Hanukkah from Limmud

Unity: A Resource for Hanukkah from Limmud

Created by the Limmud Chavruta Program for Hanukkah, this 4-page long document contains sources that explore the complex concept of unity in Jewish tradition, including traditional Jewish texts, modern quotes, and references

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